“Inspiring, Provocative, Charismatic”

Stephanie Meyer, Entrepreneur

Speaking Engagements

Stories move people—and people move the world. As a passionate storyteller and visionary, I deliver keynote speeches that engage, inspire, and challenge audiences to think differently. I explore the intersection of storytelling, technology, and humanity, offering fresh perspectives that leave a lasting impact.

Signature Topics

  • Silent Revolution: How Gen Z and Alpha Are Reshaping the World While Ignoring Your Brand
    A new world is being built independently, following none of the establishment’s rules and leveraging access to an infinite market. How can you stay in the game and remain relevant?

  • From Citizens to Netizens: How Creative Technology and AI Elevate Humanity to the Next Level
    While we often see technology as a business tool, we overlook its potential to evolve humanity into Homo-Deus—building future societies on the foundations of sustainability and inclusivity.

  • Storytelling, the Avatar Economy, and the Future of the Metaverse
    The future is the Metaverse, but emotional connections in virtual worlds are the only way to transform a dull Metaverse space into a beloved destination.

What to Expect

  • Engaging, thought-provoking, and inspiring presentations.

  • Actionable insights tailored to your audience.

  • A blend of storytelling, visuals, and future-focused ideas.

Who It’s For:

  • Conferences, corporate events, and summits.

  • Universities, creative festivals, and industry panels.

  • Organizations looking to inspire their audience with bold ideas and visionary thinking.

costantino roselli keynote speaker

Represented by

washington speakers bureau costantino roselli

Avatar Economy the Solution to a Sustainable Future | Costantino Roselli | TEDxLinz

2030: From Citizens to Netizens - The skills you need to thrive in the avatar economy - Entrepreneurship Panorama Greece 2024

The Future Of Fashion Is The Metaverse - Constantino Roselli - Blockdown Portugal '23